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Chapter 9 Quiz Notes

12 Sep

Adobe Bridge File Screencap

9 Sep

These images are from Summer 2010. I went on the American Barnstormers Tour with my dad and worked with the tour for 3 weeks. We traveled through 4 states and gave Antique Biplane Rides at local airports.

The screen cap above was taken from Adobe Bridge. I used Bridge to organize the images from the tour and easily renamed them using Tools > Batch Rename.

Worked like a charm 🙂

O Hai!

9 Sep

Hello world! I am Skye… I am weird. lol :3

I am from Rosemount, MN and currently am a Multimedia Design major at UW-Stout. I love computers, art, music, video production, anime and pretty much anything geeky.

My peculiar love for loser culture has spawned an obsession with the internet, Pokemon, and video games. Also, it has lead me to become very introverted and quiet, except when I’m surrounded by those I love.